In Honor of John M. Keynes

The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of our minds. -John M. Keynes

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Econometrics I #2: Borel sigma-algebra

Borel σ-algebra is a special type of σ-algebra defined over a metric space. Here we only concern the Borel σ-algebra over the real line.

Definition 1: The Borel σ-algebra over the reals, denoted as B, is the σ-algebra generated by all open sets. Elements of Borel σ-algebra are called Borel sets.

Definition 2: A subset E of the reals is an F_σ set if it is a countable union of closed sets; E is a G_δ set if it is a countable intersection of open sets.

Some consequences:

  1. Every G_δ set is a Borel set, by property of a σ-algebra. Since the complement of a G_δ set is an F_σ set, an F_σ set is a Borel set.
  2. Semi-open intervals of the form [a,b) (equivalently (a,b]) are both F_σ and G_δ, since [a,b)=∪[a,b-1/n]=∩(a-1/n,b). Hence [a,b) is a Borel set for any real number a and b.
An alternative definition 3 of Borel σ-algebra (Marcelo Moreira, Columbia): The Borel σ-algebra (over the reals) is the smallest σ-algebra containing sets of the form (-∞,x].

I want to show that the two definitions are in fact equivalent.

First we need to observe the following lemma.

Suppose A and B are two σ-algebras over the same space. Further, B is the σ-algebra generated by F, a set of subsets in that space. Then A contains B if and only if A contains its generators (i.e. A contains elements of F).
Main Proposition:
Let A denote the Borel σ-algebra in definition 1, i.e. A=σ(all open sets over reals). Let B denote the Borel σ-algebra in definition 3, i.e. B=σ((-∞,x]:x is real). Therefore, we need to prove A=B as sets and in fact we need to prove the two-way inclusions of the two sets.
First, to show B is a subset of A, by the lemma, we just need to show its generator (-∞,x]  is in A. But clearly (-∞,x] is G_δ, hence Borel in definition 1, a.k.a an element of A.
Then, to show A is a subset of B, similarly by the lemma, we need to show an arbitrary open interval (a,b) is in B. Notice the semi-open interval (a,b]=(-∞,b]∩{complement of (-∞,a]} for all real number a and b, hence it is in B. Then the open interval (a,b)=∪(a,b-1/n]. Since every (a,b-1/n] is in B, the countable union is in B, a.k.a (a,b) is in B for any real number a and b. With easy and similar treatment of the special cases (-∞,b), (a,+∞) and (-∞,+∞), we conclude that every open set is in B. Hence by lemma, A is a subset of B.
With the two inclusions, A=B and hence the two definitions are equivalent. QED 

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