In Honor of John M. Keynes

The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of our minds. -John M. Keynes

Friday, September 9, 2011

Microeconomics I #1: Several theorems in Choice Theory

Another technical post before I switch back to my unfinished work on Freefall over the weekend. This time is something micro.

Some preliminaries:
  1. Preference is a binary relation ≿ between x,y∈X, the set of all possible choices such that x≿y if and only if "x is at least as good as y".
  2. Preference is complete if x,y, either x≿y or y≿x or both. Preference is transitive if x≿y and y≿z imply x≿z.
  3. Rational choice theory assumes that preferences are both complete and transitive.
  4. Now, suppose we have established a preference ≿, and B is the set of available choices, define the choice rule C(B;≿)={x∈B: x≿y for all y∈B}. Notice C(B;≿) may not be singleton. When B is finite, C(B;≿) is non-empty; however, when B is infinite, C(B;≿) can be empty.
  5. For a given choice rule C(X), the Houthaker's Axiom of Revealed Preference (HARP) states if x,y∈A∩B with x∈C(A) and y∈C(B), then x∈C(B) and y∈C(A).
Some propositions:
    1. If a predetermined preference ≿ is complete and transitive over the choice set X, then the choice rule C(X;≿) satisfies HARP.
    2. Now suppose we only have revealed preferences in the forms of non-empty choice rule C, then there is a complete and transitive preference ≿ with C(A)=C(A;≿) for all subsets A of X if and only if C satisfies HARP.
    It is easier if we can represent a preference relation by a utility function.
    1. A utility function, u, is a mapping from the choice set X to the real numbers. Hence values of the utility function cannot be positive or negative infinity.
    2. We say a utility function u represents a preference relation ≿ (or the preference relation ≿ affords the utility function u) if there is an equivalence between x≿y and u(x)≥u(y).
    Some more propositions on utility representation of preferences:
    • If the choice set X is finite, then every complete and transitive preference has a utility representation.
    Proof: let n be the size of X, label elements in X with subscripts x_1, x_2,...,x_n, with x_n≿x_(n-1)≿...≿x_2≿x_1. Now let u(x_i)=i. Clearly u is a valid utility representation for the preference ≿. QED
    • If the choice set X is countable, then every complete and transitive preference has a utility representation.
    Proof: Let X={x_1,x_2,...}. Define the set "No Better Than" of some element x, NBT(x)={y∈X: x≿y}. By observation, we know ∀x,y∈X, either NBT(x)⊆NBT(y) or NBT(y)⊆NBT(x). Now define the utility function, u(x)=∑(0.5)^n, where n is the subscript of x_n for all x_n∈NBT(x). Then it is simple to verify (1) u(x) is well-define, in particular is convergent; (2) u is indeed a valid utility representation for the preference ≿. QED
    • Note, the above proposition holds for any complete and transitive preferences over a countable choice set X, but not any arbitrary infinite set X. Consider for example X=[0,1]×[0,1], for any two points x=(a,b) and y=(c,d) in X, x≿y if either a>c or a=c but b≥d. This lexicographic preference has no proper utility representation even though it is complete and transitive.
    Proof: By the definition of the preference, let α<β∈[0,1], then (β,1)≿(β,0)≿(α,1)≿(α,0). Suppose there is a utility representation u affording this preference, then u(β,1)≥u(β,0)≥u(α,1)≥u(α,0). In fact these inequalities hold strictly. Now consider the two disjoint open intervals, A=(u(α,0),u(α,1)) and B=(u(β,0),u(β,1)). Due to the density of the rational numbers, there exist rational numbers p,q such that p∈A and q∈B. But there are uncountable pairs of real numbers (α,β) with α<β∈[0,1], hence uncountable disjoint open intervals of those forms. This implies there are uncountable rational numbers in [0,1], but it contradicts with the fact that rational numbers are countable. Hence, by contradiction, such utility representation does not exist for this lexicographic preference defined on X. QED
    • Sufficient and necessary condition: ≿ over X has a utility representation if and only if ∃X*⊆X with X* being countable such that ∀x,y∈X with x≻y, ∃x*∈X* with x≿x*≻y.

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